Holiday Pet Safety

by Calgary Animal Services

Christmas cat  e
NextStarTech / Pixabay

The holiday season is a joyful time for many who want to include their pets in the festivities by sharing treats from the dinner table and having them be a part of the celebrations. Here are some tips and considerations to keep your pet safe:



  • Leftover food that is rich, spicy, or fatty can be hard for pets to digest.
  • Many foods are toxic or harmful for pets, including: turkey bones, artificial sweeteners and other baking ingredients, chocolate, and alcohol.
  • Secure the lid on your garbage can or put your garbage outside right after the meal.


  • Poinsettias, Christmas cactus, and holly are toxic to cats and dogs.
  • Secure your Christmas tree if you have pets that like to climb.
  • Hang breakable ornaments higher on your tree.
  • With natural trees, make sure pets don’t drink the water.
  • Shiny tinsel and ribbons are appealing for cats, but if swallowed can cause serious injury or lead to surgery.
  • Unplug holiday lights and extension cords prior to leaving your home.
  • Don’t put candy or chocolates under the tree.


  • While hosting parties, give your pet a safe and quiet place to retreat.
  • Be mindful as guests come and go as it’s easy for pets to slip out unnoticed.

It is important to call your veterinarian if you suspect your pet has eaten any toxic foods or substances. For additional pet safety tips, visit