Reporting Crime: Knowing Who to Call

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Buecherwurm_65 / Pixabay

When to Dial 9-1-1

Sometimes it can be confusing to know what phone number to call for help. In many cases, it’s clear that the best number to call is 9-1-1, but other situations might not be so obvious.

The Calgary Police Service uses two telephone contact numbers:

9-1-1 for emergency calls

403-266-1234 for non-emergency calls

If you’re not sure what number to call, here are some guidelines on when to call 9-1-1:

  • Any situation involving injury and/or bodily harm (i.e. serious vehicle collision, assault)
  • A crime in progress (i.e. robbery, break and enter, theft)

You can call the non-emergency line to report the following types of crime:

  • Crimes that have already happened and there is no risk of injury or bodily harm
  • Crimes that do not require immediate police response
  • Suspicious vehicles and/or people not currently engaged in criminal activity
  • All other non-emergency calls requiring police attendance

However, if you are ever in doubt, call 9-1-1.

Did you know? You can report a number of crimes online through our website at or using our CPS Mobile App for smartphones, including theft, damage to property or vehicles, and phone or online scam attempts. You can also submit a drug tip and report lost property.

Submit a Tip to Crime Stoppers

Crime Stoppers is a separate entity that takes anonymous tips about criminal activity that is then passed onto the CPS.

Report crime anonymously by:

TALK: 1-800-222-8477

TEXT: tttTIPS to 274637


Please note that not all tips submitted to Crime Stoppers are investigated.

Submit a Drug Tip

If you have information about a drug house, or people who are selling drugs, you can report this information online.

Please note if you want to remain anonymous, you must submit your information to

Report graffiti or vandalism

If you observe graffiti, please report it by calling 3-1-1.

Please include the location (or closest address), description of the object the graffiti is on and if possible, a photo of the graffiti. By reporting graffiti to 311 it ensures that the graffiti will be cleaned up and investigated.