Safe4Life’s Seven Halloween Safety Tips

halloween children  e
EME / Pixabay

1. Stay with your children and focus on their needs.

Halloween can be a scary and confusing time for children so its important for parents to be present and in the moment with the children. Walk with them and talk about their experience.

2. Read your children’s cues.

If they are hesitant about a particular house or a group of ‘trick-or-treaters’, do not force them to be in that environment. Allow them to have their safe space and move on to the next house where they may feel safer.

3. Talk with your children about the Halloween custom of taking candy from a stranger!

Let them know this is a once a year only event, and that it is only permissible because they are with you.

4. Have children carry glow sticks or a flashlight…

…so they can see and be seen.

5. Examine ALL Candy

Tell your children not to eat any treats until they return home. Insist that all treats be brought home for inspection before anything is eaten, then examine all treats for choking hazards and tampering before your children eat them. When in doubt, throw it out.

6. Consider hosting or attending a smaller Halloween party. 

Host or attend a small party with close family or friends. This type of event is much more manageable for both children and parents. (Despite the preparation and clean-up!)

7. Shopping Malls often have Halloween activities for children.

Consider this option for a well lit, climate controlled, physically contained celebration.