Backyard Bird Watching


by John McFaul

Many bird species make their home in Calgary or pass through the city on migration. They bring joy to backyard birdwatchers with their songs, colourful plumage, and their interesting antics. The cheery disposition of the Chickadees in winter, the Robin singing that spring has arrived, the bejewelled Ruby-throated Hummingbird visiting the flowers of summer, and the waves of exotic warblers passing through on their fall migration connects us to the flow of nature and time.

Calgarians can attract avian visitors to their yards by providing food, water, nesting, and shelter. Wintering birds such as Chickadees, Nuthatches, and Finches benefit from a steady supply of black oil sunflower seeds and chips. Blue Jays enjoy dining on unsalted peanuts. Suet will attract Downy Woodpeckers. Hummingbird feeders filled with a mixture of four parts water to one part sugar could entice the hummingbirds that summer in Calgary.

Water is appreciated by birds for drinking and bathing. It can be provided by simple bird baths or by more elaborate ponds and small streams.

Nest boxes and platforms can attract birds such as Chickadees, Nuthatches, House Wrens, Tree Swallows, and Robins to raise their families in our backyards.

The best thing that can be done to make backyards bird friendly is to provide a habitat full of a variety of trees, shrubs, and other plants that are native to our region.

Keeping our avian visitors safe is important. Mark the outside of windows to prevent the birds from colliding with the glass. Keep cats indoors or in a Catio to prevent harm to the birds and just as important, harm to the cat. Turn off outside lights between 11:00 pm and 6:00 am, particularly during spring and fall migration. Avoid using insecticides and pesticides.